
Case Study of Marriott International Inc. UK (Part-2)


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  • Pages: 34 / Words 8499
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Part1 A Case Study Based on Marriott International Inc. UK

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology constitutes to be the third chapter of the dissertation and enumerates the entire process which the researcher has employed in collection of all the relevant information and the required data, in order to deduce accurate and precise outcomes of research. This section is considered as one of the most crucial sections of the entire dissertation as it determines the authenticity and reliability of all the data which has been utilized in undertaking the study. Primarily this section includes the research approach on the basis of which the study has been undertaken, the design describing the manner in which study has been taken place and lastly, the philosophy with which the researcher has studied the relevant aspects. In addition, all the methods of data collection and various tools employed for analyzing the collected data in a n effective manner has been described (Pierre, 2012). It formulates to be one of the most fundamental sections of the dissertation as on the basis of all the mentioned techniques, all the critical decisions have undertaken. Lastly, it also enumerates the ethical issues which were under consideration during the entire study, along with the factors of reliability and validity.

3.2 Research Approach

This methodology assures the effectiveness with which the researcher accomplishes the entire study. This is one of the primary stages of research methodologies which the researcher is required to undertake while studying a particular subject, and hence, it enables them to ascertain the specific tools and techniques which shall be deployed  for effectively researching on the matter. One of the greatest benefits which can be realized through this means in the form of assurance that no relevant aspect is left unaddressed. The research approach can be undertaken in the following two manner-Inductive and deductive approach. The former requires the investigator to apply all the relevant theories and observations of scholars to understand the topic under consideration (Hovorka, 2016). On the other hand, the latter is an approach in pursuance to which a hypothesis is required to be developed, which is based on the propositions of relevant theories.

The researcher is the present study has opted for inductive approach, as the researcher has gathered all the primary information from the managers of Mariott Hotel, who are the ones which can effectively realize the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on a regular basis. In pursuance to the same a structured questionnaire was prepared for these managers. All the data which was gathered through these questionnaires was studied to deduce a specific pattern to reach the conclusion. Thus, on the basis of all the premises and regularities, the researcher has reached to a conclusion and generate the theory in result.      

3.3 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy connotes the values and beliefs on the basis of which the researcher collects all the data and information. Hence, it determines the manner in which the entire process of gathering the information is undertaken. Moreover, it also ascertains the manner in which the data is analyzed and utilized for specific purposes. The researchers are available with two form of philosophies i.e. interpretivism and positivism (Flood, 2010). Positivists possess an objective view towards all the aspects and believe that reality is stable and can be described in an effective manner through directly observing it. On the other hand, the interpretivists carry a contrary view, in pursuance to which they believe in interpreting all the aspects of realities. It is believed by them that every reality has different interpretations, and each one of them can be understood only after completely analyzing it using different scientific techniques (Kiely and Hartman,  2011).

The instant study has been carried out on the basis of interpretivism, in order to asses different aspects through which all the aims and objectives of the study. One of the primary reasons for selecting this philosophy is its nature of being subjective in respect to all the aspects of a topic. Moreover, it is also considered as one of the suitable philosophies for undertaking research with reference to the future needs or strategies.

3.4 Research Design

The researcher is able to prepare a systematic design on the basis of which all the issues and problems which may arise in the course of research is undertaken at the preliminary stage (Stanley, 2013). In addition, it also enables the research to develop a plan, in pursuance to which the entire study can be undertaken in a systematic and effective manner. It reflects the overall strategy with which varied components of the entire process are integrated in a coherent manner. It is also considered as the blueprint of the manner in which the researcher shall undertake the process of data collection, measurement and finally analysis to obtain desirable outcomes and findings (Anderson, J., Adey and Bevan, 2010). Moreover, this shall also provide a correct direction in which the research shall be conducted so as to obtain reliable and accurate outcomes. Research design can be in the form of being Descriptive, Casual, Exploratory, explanatory and Case Study. Determination of an appropriate research design can be undertaken only on the basis of aims and objectives of he study (Valeras, 2010).

After pursuing the present aims and objectives the researcher has utilized the descriptive research design has been used. This can be said to be one of the most suitable options in the present study as the researcher by carrying out this research intends to identify the varied factors which formulate the elements of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition to ascertaining the manner in which these elements impact the manner in which the operations of Mariott Hotel can be enhanced.

3.5 Research Type

It ascertains the nature of research which is required to be undertaken in the study, after considering the aims and objectives as ascertained at the preliminary stage. It is important to note that ascertainment of this research type shall only enable the researcher to identify the correct and appropriate tools which shall be employed for undertaking the study in an effective manner. Therefore, this requires the concerned personnel to determine the research type in an advanced manner (Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2011). The two types of research which can be undertaken in any study are qualitative and quantitative techniques. The former requires the researcher to undertake a thematic analysis of the information which is gathered for the study. The themes which are formulated under this technique essentially reflect the majority responses of all the respondents. On the other hand, statistical tool are utilized for undertaking quantitative analysis. In pursuance to the same the tools of mean, median and mode are applied for analyzing the data and producing the outcome. Moreover, analysis of this data which is gathered through quantifiable technique shall be done through SPSS (Clarke and Fujimura, 2014).

In the present research, Qualitative technique has been adopted in order to undertake a thematic analysis of the information which is collected through the means of a questionnaire. The rationale behind selection of this technique is that all the data which is collected through questionnaire is qualitative in nature. Moreover, the inclination can also be justified on the fact that the researcher through the present study sought to ascertain the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the operations of a business entity.

3.6 Data Collection

A highly significant role is played by the methods of data collection in undertaking the entire research as this is the means through which all the relevant information and data is received by the researchers. Thus, this plays an instrumental role in accomplishment of the aims and objectives, in pursuance to which the study is being undertaken (Dumay and Cai, 2015). Collection of data can be undertaken primarily through two different sources i.e. the primary and secondary sources. In order to undertake an effective research it is crucial to gather information and data which is highly diversified and authentic to deduce desirable results. Therefore, in pursuance to the same the researcher in the present study has sourced the information both from primary and secondary sources (Morales and Ladhari, 2011).

All the data which is gathered through the means of questionnaires can be characterized as primary information which has been extracted directly from the source, as it reflects the opinion of each of these managers who have been questioned (Wiek and Lang, 2016). Further, it is important to state that all the respondents chosen for the study can be considered as reliable and capable to possess correct information in respect to impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Hence, it has provided the researcher with significant support in understanding the trends and opinion of  people connected. In addition, secondary data has been sourced from the articles and observations made by eminent scholars (Krithikadatta and Valarmathi, 2012). On the basis of this, the researcher was enabled to understand the different aspects of the existing literature. Therefore, in conclusion it can be stated that it is crucial for researchers to pursue both the sources of information in order to produce accurate and precise outcomes.

3.7 Sampling

Sampling refers to selection of a sample size and type in order to undertake an effective research and fulfill the aims and objectives as ascertained at the preliminary stage. This is noe of the methods which is required to be applied in order to gather primary information. Thus, it a process which selects a portion of population as the respondents, in order to extract relevant information for undertaking the research (Rutter and Schopler, 2012). It has been characterized by many as one of the most crucial features of the entire research methodology as this shall determine if opinion of the entire population is reflected through that small portion or not. In pursuance to the same it is highly crucial for the to determine a suitable sample size. Sampling methods can be bifurcated probabilistic as well as non-probabilistic in nature. Once the researcher is able to ascertain the subset in an appropriate manner, all the critical elements can be satisfied in an effective manner (Zhou, Leung and Li, 2012). The probabilistic sampling technique, each of the unit has an equal chance of being a part of the sample and also to represent the opinion of the entire population. Some of the specific methods which are deployed under this technique are systematic, random, simple and so on. While the non-probabilistic technique, not every unit of population has a probability of being opted for in the sub-set.

In the present study the researcher has selected probability technique, on the basis of which 50 customers of the Hotel have been selected on a random basis. The rationale behind adopting this form of sampling technique is that all the customers of the hotel shall have an equal level of information in respect to the matter under consideration.

3.8 Data Analysis

This is one of the most integral factors in determining the findings and outcomes of the study. All the data which is collected by utilizing the primary sources are assessed in order to attain the aims and objectives in the most effective and efficient manner (Seear, Gandhi and Sharma, 2011). Undertaking appropriate measures for analyzing all the data which is gathered during the entire process of research formulates to be a crucial portion in the process of research. Moreover, this also enables the researcher to extract answers of all the specific research questions which have been framed by at the initial stage of the process. The two forms of techniques which can be deployed are quantitative and qualitative techniques. The former is an analysis of data which is in numeric format and is analyzed on the basis of statistical tools or techniques (Bennette and Vickers, 2012). On the other hand, qualitative techniques are applied in the event the data is in  non-numeric format.

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The present study has adopted for qualitative technique in pursuance to the data which is received by the researcher through the means of questionnaire. It is important to understand that such data is always qualitative in nature and thus requires suitable techniques for analysis of the same. Therefore, in the present case the responses contained in all the questionnaires have been analyzed by forming different themes. Hence, a thematic analysis of the data so collected has been undertaken by the researcher, in order to determine the desired findings.  


4.1 Introduction

The data analysis chapter of the dissertation incorporate the important information related to study under which research analyze the data in a in-depth manner. This assists scholar to conduct in-depth analysis in the line of literature review. The study under investigation is based on thematic analysis under which researcher evaluate the collected information in the line of research aim and objectives. Themes are prepared on the basis of questionnaire and each theme is supported by suitable tables and graphs that represent the view points of researcher or scholar effectively. The addition of frequency table and suitable graph make the presentation of data in a more effective manner and assist researcher to accomplish the study.

4.2 Thematic analysis

Thematic analysis of the report has been completed with the help of construction of appropriate themes in the output form and detail analysis of the same is provided.

Theme 1: Club card and customer clubs are methods aid to increase your satisfaction level

Number of respondents




Customer clubs



Club cards



Discount and rewards





 According to the collected information, it has been found that 40% respondents get satisfaction with the help of customer clubs which assists them to access additional facilities offered by the corporation. This assists business to integrate all related activities along with increasing rate of return. Furthermore, 40% participants stated that club card facilities is the most effective aspect in order to address their need and expectations. It enables them to get extra facilities along with offered services and accordingly ensure their higher level of satisfaction. On the other hand, 20% respondents stated that discount and reward is the most important factor through which their need can be satisfied. It assists them to get the services in relatively prices. This shows that majority of customers get satisfaction with the addition of extra services or reward program. Owing to this, hotel sector ensure to provide them such kind of facility whereby they can retain with the firm. However, reward policy makes it possible to stay connected with the customers and they get timely updation regarding the new scheme and other related benefits of hotel. Thus, it is important to focus on satisfaction of customers and factors which raise the level of satisfaction among them. However, Marriott hotel is offering them same kind of additional support which enhances their loyalty towards brand and do not allow them to switch to other brand.

Theme 2: Satisfied with  service quality offered by Marriott hotel

Number of respondents




Highly satisfied












Highly dissatisfied





 According to the collection of primary data, 50% respondents are highly satisfied with the services quality which is being offered by Marriott hotel. They stated that standard of services offered by hotel is very higher and preferences of customers is considered to a great extent. In the same manner, 30% participants are also satisfied due to their good experience with the mentioned hotel. They are happy with overall service quality in the line with pricing strategies. However, 10% respondents do not have idea regarding the service quality. The possible reason might be their short experience with the hotel under which they cannot observe either the positive or negative aspect. Furthermore, 4% respondents are not satisfied with the quality of services offered by Marriott hotel. Apart from this, 6% participants are highly dissatisfied as they might not got the services in accordance with the price. There may be issue related to workforce skill in a particular department. In this manner, majority of respondents are satisfied with the service quality which is being offered by Marriott hotel. It would be effective for corporation to ensure retention of such kind of buyers and focus on others who are not satisfied.

Theme 3: Poor service quality dissatisfies customers 

Number of respondents




Less clarity in billing



Poor service quality



Higher prices





The collected primary data bring forth outcome that 40% participants get dissatisfaction due to less clarity in the billing system. This issue raise their dissatisfaction level and affect them to a great extent. However, the issue related to time consumption in the billing system irritate the respondents. Furthermore, 50% participants stated that issue related to poor quality is the most significant factor which should be there with the hotel. It has direct impact on customer base and the reputation of the same business. Owing to this, suitable strategy is adopted in order to mange overall function of the business and accordingly integrate all business activities so that level of satisfaction can be increased. In addition to this, remaining 10% users stated that price of Marriott hotel is very higher which might be become the reason of dissatisfaction at certain point of time. However, majority of respondents has issue with poor service quality which tend to affect their satisfaction level to a great extent. For this purpose, major focus is laid on customer satisfaction by offering them good quality of services. This aspect support customers to keep on purchase services offered by the business. It would be effective to meet their expectations and enhance overall satisfaction.

Theme 4: Ambiance is main reason behind your loyalty towards the brand as Marriott hotel

Number of respondents




Perfect service quality



Skilled staff



Variety of option








 The aforementioned graph is showing the information related to all respondents who took part in the data collection procedure. The findings show that 20% respondents stated that they refer for the Marriott hotel just because of perfect service quality which enhance their satisfaction level and support them to take repeat purchase decision. Furthermore, 20% participants stated that skilled staff is the most important aspect behind their loyalty towards selected hotel. It enables them to get proper services with the presence of highly skilled and competent personnel who are working in the hotel. Furthermore, 20% respondents stated that variety of options is the key aspect behind their loyalty towards the hotel. They unique experience from the selected corporation in term of dine, swimming and room services. These availability options leads to influence them for taking purchase decision towards the mentioned brand. This aids to support corporation and at them same time, retain buyers for longer time span. However, mentioned factors are considered by hotel staff and management. In addition to this, 20% respondents reflected that ambiance is the most important factor behind loyalty of customers. It enables them to access good quality of services and ensure their stay at the hotel Marriott.

Theme 5: Please mention you online booking choice towards Marriott hotel?

Number of respondents




Direct call






Friends or reference





According to the collected information, it has been found that 30% respondents get their tickets booked with the help of direct call. However, the refer the information of the corporation provided on the web page. This enables them to effectively access good quality of services and ensure their need satisfaction so as to retain them. However, 50% participants get their tickets booked through online only. Here, buyers tend to rely on online sources for the booking and other related task. In addition to this, remaining respondents  as 20% reported that friends and references group is helpful for getting their tickets booked. The major issue which is being faced by respondents is related to time only. For this purpose, they refer online aspect for completing task related to booking. At the same time, it becomes effective to get the promotional messages of Marriott hotel, hence the procedure become quite easy to get the desired services effectively on right time. Thus, Marriott hotel provides very effective services to customers for their ease.

Theme 6: Customers like to to recommend the brand Marriott hotel to your relatives

Number of respondents










Can't say





 The aforementioned graph reflects that 90% customers of Marriott hotel like to recommend the brand to their relatives. It is because they are highly satisfied in term of price, quality, services and other related aspects. It enables corporation to meet their requirement of consumers in a right manner by offering them timely services. Furthermore, 6% respondents do not like to recommend the brand to other due to issue related to price or poor service quality. Owing to this, corporation need to focus on its personnel who are associated with the service delivery procedure and taking care of patients. Furthermore, department of complaint handling can also be strengthen so that issues of consumers can be resolved on time. Apart from this, 4% respondents cannot say anything about the brand and its direct impact on respondents. This is because they might having any idea about the same. For this purpose, majority of respondents are in favour of Marriott hotel and its positive impact on their level of satisfaction. On a critical note, it might not be possible to have all areas perfect along with association of skilled and competent personnel. It is the major reason some of the buyers are not satisfied with the services which are being provided by the hotel. However, some of the lacking areas can be focused by the corporation in order to bring improvement and adopting appropriate strategies for loyally of the customers. At the same time, loyalty customers of the business are treated with respect and provided extra benefits which in turn their satisfaction is increased day by day. However, Marriott hotel offers appropriate kind of facilitates in accordance with expectations and need of buyers which in turn customers are retained and highly satisfied. Hence, the services offered by the firm can be recommended to other parties who are relatives of the customers or first time users. Furthermore, their experience is rated over the web pages which also has positive impact on the brand image of the firm.

Theme 7:Agree that customer satisfaction make the buyer loyal towards a brand

Number of respondents




Strongly agree












Strongly disagree





According to the collected information, it has been found that 44% respondents do strongly agree with the satisfaction among customers related to products and services leads to ensure better brand loyalty. At the same time, 40% participants do agree with the same and stated in case customers are fully satisfied then they would be like to purchase the products and services back from a particular organization. On the other hand, 10% respondents do not agree nor they disagree due to their less experience with the respective hotel. Apart from this, 2 respondents stated that customers satisfaction do not accounts for brand loyalty. It is because at certain point of time customers may be agree with offered products and services but the same scenario cannot last for long time. In addition to this, remaining 4% participants do strongly disagree with products and services which are being offered by the business. It reflects that majority of respondents are in favour that in case customers are satisfied then only they become loyal towards a brand. However, majority of respondents are loyalty towards the brand as Marriott hotel which aids to meet their requirement effectively.

Theme 8: Customers like to participate in the loyalty program conducted by Marriott hotel

Number of respondents










Can't say





 The aforementioned graph reflects that 84% respondents like to participants in the loyalty program conducted by Marriott hotel. This enables them to get the extra benefit offered by the corporation and take the advantages of the same in order to become the loyalty customers for longer time span. Furthermore, 10% respondents do not like to take part in the loyalty program conducted by the hotel. In addition to this, 6% respondents did not say anything regarding the participation of loyalty program conducted by Marriott hotel. It might be because they do not find the significant impact of the same on their buying habits and purchase procedure. However, majority of participants show their interest to take part in the loyalty program conducted by the hotel and accordingly get the extra benefit by being the member. It is indicating the firm is effectively managing its task related to brand loyalty among respondents.

Theme 9:Repeat purchase decision of customers determines that customers are loyal towards the Marriott hotel


Number of respondents




Repeat purchase decision



Higher satisfaction level



Timely communication with the hotel



Cannot switch to another brand





The diagram above mentioned bring forth outcome 40% respondents stated that repeat purchase decision tend to indicate that whether they are loyal towards a brand or not. It enables them to access good quality of products and services from the firm so as to make the effective use of available services. Furthermore, 20% participants stated that higher satisfaction level of customers indicate that they are satisfied towards a brand and they will remain loyal for the same. In addition to this, 20% respondents think that loyalty of customers can be determined with the help of timely communication with the hotel. They stated that if customers are provided timely information from the hotel then they start thinking like their purchase decision in more effective and it enables corporation to get the right kind of product from the business effectively. In addition to this, remaining 20% participants reflects that loyalty of customers are determined with the help of their intention switch from one to another brand. In this manner, majority of participants are in favour of the single fact that repeat purchase tend to ensure their loyalty towards the Marriott hotel.

Theme 10: Effective reward scheme assists Marriott hotel to increase customer loyalty

Number of respondents




By launching effective reward scheme



Clear communication with buyers



Effective complaint handling procedure





The collected information bring fourth outcome that 46% respondents stated that customers loyalty can be increased by Marriott hotel by launching effective reward scheme. This scheme would attract more users and make them able to access good quality of products and services. On the other hand, 24% participants reflected that clear communication with buyers and offering them timely information wold be more effective for hotel to increase the loyalty of customers. In addition to this, remaining 30% participants stated that effective complaint handling procedure can be applied by business for increasing the attention of consumers towards the product and services. However, when customers get their issues resolved then they like to become loyal towards the brand. However, majority of respondents stated that launching new reward scheme can be more effective for grabbing the attention of buyers and increasing their loyalty towards the Marriott hotel.

Theme 11: Appropriate complaint handling procedure of Marriott hotel enhances your satisfaction level and in turn make you loyal

Number of respondents










Can't say





 According to the collected primary data, it has been found that 80% respondents do agree that appropriate complaint handling procedure would be effective for Marriott hotel to increase their satisfaction level and make them loyalty towards the business. It enables company to address issues which are being faced by users and create the sense of achievement among them by referring a particular brand. However, 10% participants do not agree with the same and they stated that even with the effective complaint handling procedure, it is important focus on quality, price and variety of services offered by the hotel. This would be effective to make them loyal and dedicated towards a particular brand. It enables corporation to integrate all related activities and support firm in accomplishing its long as well as short term objectives. In addition to this, 10% respondents did not say anything as they might not have any connection with the aspect of complaints handling procedure with loyalty of customers.  In this manner, majority of the respondents shed light on effective complaint handling procedure and its direct impact on their satisfaction level as well as loyalty.


5.1 Introduction

The chapter of discussion and findings start just after the completion of data analysis chapter. This shed light on findings of the study where detail discussion is done in the line of literature review. At this juncture, collected information is presented effective so as to carry out in-depth analysis and draw valid outcome effectively. Furthermore, discussion chapter of the study ensures the consistency of primary and secondary in order to accomplish the aim and objectives in an effectual manner. In addition to this, all findings are described in the light of collected completed investigation and accordingly objectives of the study are accomplished effectively. This would be effective for proposing the recommendation for the study effectively and accomplish it in the line of stated aim and objectives.

5.2 Discussion of the findings in relation to literature review

According the data analysis chapter, it was found that customer get satisfaction with the help of different kind of methods. At this juncture, methods such as customer clubs, club cards and discount as well as rewards are used. This findings are consistent with literature review because customers get attracted with the help of such kind of communication aspects only. However, they find the reward system as the most effective to get the extra benefit through which some of their amount spent to get services, can be saved. However, service quality of the hotel seems very effective in order to meet the expectations of all related parties effectively. It facilitates respondents to get the desired services. Furthermore, the findings from literature review shed light on quality that if the quality of product and services is good and matches with the expectations of buyers then it is likely to increase the satisfaction level of buyers. This support corporation to select the most effective product and services in order to gain the attraction of buyers.

On the other hand, research findings shows that some of the factors such as less clarity of billing, poor service quality and higher prices are the most potential reason which affect the brand loyalty of customers and affect their level of satisfaction to a great extent. On a critical note, higher prices of the product and services affect the purchasing process of consumers to a great extent and at the same time time they might be dissatisfied with a particular brand. Apart from this, by reviewing previous studies it was discovered that customers become highly satisfied due to varied factors such as skilled staff, variety of options and perfect service quality. This enables corporation to grab the attention of consumers and retain them for loner time span. It shows that consistency between collected primary and secondary data. Apart from this, loyalty of the buyers is determined with the help of effective promotional strategies of the business. At this juncture, they get the facility to get their stay booked online in relatively less time span. For example, majority of respondents like to prefer the online of mode of communication for getting the services easily and ensure their higher level of satisfaction with the firm.

In addition to this, the data collected from secondary research also reveal that customers actions of buyers such as repeat purchase decision, higher satisfaction level and timely communication are some of the factors which determine that they are loyalty towards a particular brand. Apart from this, liking towards a particular brand make it possible for buyers to do not take decision to switch from one another brand. Moreover, some of the actions or strategies of corporation such as launching effective reward scheme and clear communication with buyers are the effective aspects through which firm effective increase the loyalty among customers. Moreover, findings of the studies done previously shed light on effective complaint handling procedure whereby customers feel sense of satisfaction and thus ensure their retention towards a brand. Therefore, collected primary and secondary are related to each other and both directed towards the same aspect such as in case firm or corporation provide effective quality of services in accordance with requirement of buyers then their retention can be ensured for longer time span.

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6.1 Conclusion

The dissertation ends at the chapter of conclusion and recommendation along with highlighting the main findings. This is completed with the help of research objectives which are mentioned as follows- The first research objective “To understand the concept of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty” has been met that customer satisfaction and loyalty are correlated to each. In case customer get the right product and service then he or she likely to get closer the higher level of satisfaction. Furthermore, the pleasure and disappointment of buyers towards a particular product or service determine that whether they are happy with the provided products and services or not. The the information related to satisfaction and its direct link with customer loyalty is assessed with the help of comparison made between performance of the product and services in accordance with the standard. It can also be concluded that satisfaction of consumers tends to ensure their loyalty towards brand by focusing upon their repeat purchase decision and they way they recommend the same products and services to others,

The conclusion on second objective of the dissertation “To identify different factors affecting customer satisfaction and customer loyalty at Marriott International Inc UK” is drawn in accordance with primary and secondary data that customer get affected from different factors such as price, variety of options and effective complaint handling procedure. It can be concluded that in case a particular brand provide the varied option for the product and services then they are likely to purchase from the same only. Not only this but effective complaint handling procedure tends to ensure that company respect for the values and money invested by the consumer and meet their expectations effectively. It can be critically evaluated that some of the factors such billing clarity, ineffective management and poor service quality affect the satisfaction level of customers and results in the poor customer loyalty. Furthermore, skilled and talented staff contribute towards addressing issues which are being faced by the customers,. Owing to this, it is important to hire personnel with proper knowledge so they can support management to accomplish long as well as short term objectives for the purpose of creating its goodwill in the marketplace. Moreover, other factors such as club cards, reward program etc are launched by Marriott hotel in order to grab the attention of buyers and let them know regarding the extra benefit for the money they invest in the firm. Apart from this, effective customer handling procedure is applied by the hotel so that customers get their issues resolved on time and retain with the firm for longer time span.

The third objective of dissertation “To determine the impact of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty at Marriott International Inc UK” concludes that customer satisfaction has direct relevance with customer loyalty for a particular brand. It is because the level of satisfaction of consumer will decide whether they will come back for the product and services or not. It would be effective to cater requirement of all related parties such as customers, shareholders and organization as whole. This is made possible with the help of application of suitable mode of communication and interlinking the same with customers. At this juncture, Marriott hotel adopts appropriate procedure to offer extra benefits for buyers and grab their attention effectively in order to increase the profitability of the business. This is because when customers are satisfied then company get the benefit in term of repeat purchase decision. Owing to this, customer satisfaction and customer  loyalty have positive relationship. For example, in case of failure of the firm meet the expectation of buyers leads to switch customers from one to another brand. Owing to this, it can be concluded that appropriate factors determine the satisfaction of buyers are considered through which customers can be retained for longer time and its direct impact can be seen on competitive edge of the business. This in turn it becomes easy to meet the expectations of all related parties firm can effective ensure its expansion at the international marketplace. Thus, it can be concluded that Marriott hotel adopts appropriate procedures and strategies to gain the attraction of buyers and ensure to increase their satisfaction as well as loyalty with implementation of suitable program.

6.2 Recommendation

The recommendation part of the dissertation is considered as the most important part as it covers the last objective. In order to accomplish the last objective as “To recommend ways to increase customer loyalty and customer satisfaction” following strategies are explained-

  • Use of new social media strategy-The new social media strategy is considered as the most effective aspect for the purpose of increasing the customer loyalty among customers. It would be effective for corporation to gain the attraction of consumers. For this purpose, social media strategy can be implemented such as Pinterest and Facebook and Twitter. At the same time, separate application can be provided along with effective scheme as addition of reward points. This would be more effective to gain the attraction of buyers and make them more comfortable to refer a particular brand.
  • Follow up customer-It is another most important aspect in order to increase the customer loyalty. It can be  made possible with the help of appropriate follow of customers by offering them right kind of products and services. However, follow up should be done by taking their feedback regarding the offered services. This makes it possible to increase the level of satisfaction among customers. In addition to this, survey can be conducted with buyers so as to get their reviews related to services offered and rate the same on the basis of mentioned criteria. This proves to be effective to retain them for longer time span. Moreover, follow up can also be done for the reward policies and appropriate other related aspects offered by company in order to grab the attention of buyers. This would be more effective to stay connected with them and ensure clear flow of communication with the same.
  • 24*7 services-This kind of services has huge impact on satisfaction of buyers as they get to know about the potential services which can be booked any time in a day. For this purpose, appropriate online portal of the firm should be developed for convenience of buyers. Thus, customers can get the right kind of product and services on right time. It can be cryptically evaluated that personalized application or mobile application can be used whereby customers are offered 24*7 hours services in accordance with their preferences. It enables customers to stay connected with the particular brand.
  • Innovative services-The innovation in the services can be ensured with the help of offering customized services for the users and corporation can provide new experience for users and make them able to access good quality of services. This can be done in accordance with feedback provided by customers so their satisfaction level can be increased. In addition to this, customized services are offered to customers just for the sake of catering their requirement in a more effective manner and addressing their issues effectively.
  • Standardized process-The standardized procedure can be followed for offering services in hotel. Here, management ensure that selection of workforce is done on the basis of set criteria and the same is followed the respective HR department. On the other hand, service is rendered on the basis of specific standard which must be followed by each staff members. This proves to be effective to cater need of corporation and ensure its expansion in the marketplace with the increased rate of return. Moreover the standardized procedure applied in every aspect whether it is related to room service or catering or food department etc. This gives unique or new experience to customers and ensure their loyalty towards the firm.


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  • Devaraj, S., Fan, M. and Kohli, R., 2006.  Examination of online channel preference: using the structure-conduct-outcome framework. Decision Support Systems.  42. 1089-1103.

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